Exploring OSS - ChameleonForms

I had the chance to check out ChameleonForms for ASP.NET MVC form creation and it's a nice library.

XAML Paths, in Code

Generate path data for XAML Path objects in the code

Hello World!

dbyll is minimalist, stylish theme for jekyll. Supports gravatar, account links (github, twitter, e-mail, pinterest, résume file) and a bio.

dbyll is brought to you by dbtek. Open sourced under MIT license.

dbyll is on GitHub

Grab your copy now!


In your config file change these settings

title: dbyll
  name: yourname  
  email: youremail  
  github: asd123  
  twitter: asd123  
  pinterest: asd123  
  linkedin: asd123  
  resume: asd123  
  bio: Your stylish,  minimalist theme!  
  email_md5: md5ofemail  


Sample placeholder post.

Sample 2

Sample placeholder post.

The Importance of Your Story

I've had a few interactions in the recent past that have reinforced the need to know your story when creating software.

How Do I Load Balance - MassTransit Problems

Load balancing is a problem that comes up on the mailing list from time to time. Depending on which transport you use, you options for load balancing differ.

How Do I Find the Best Talent?

What's the "best" talent out there?

Playing Zombicide

We played the Kickstarted Zombicide